This module is very helpful to all educators, especially to the future educators like me, who doesn’t have any experience in actual teaching practice.

I’ve learned in this module that aside from the knowledge content and pedagogy in teaching, it also important that teachers are prepared and equipped to work with diverse learners. As educators it is important that we appreciate and accommodate our students’ differences and similarities. This would help us in understanding our students and we can create a better activities and teaching strategies. This would also give all students more opportunities to learn and gain more knowledge. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning (Ladson-Billings,1994). The Education Alliance of Brown University listed some of the characteristics of culturally responsive teaching:

  1. Positive perspectives on parents and families

  2. Communication of high expectations

  3. Learning within the context of culture

  4. Student-centered instruction

  5. Culturally mediated instruction

  6. Reshaping the curriculum

  7. Teacher as facilitator

I have also learned in this module, how creativity can help on effective teaching. Creativity in teaching is the ability to think outside the box and imaginative in creating or improving classroom activities. Creative teachers doesn’t just stick on what is traditional but they try to improve it to make learning interesting and fun. Creativity helps students in strengthening their skills and knowledge that would help them to be a well-rounded and it would prepare them in the life beyond their classroom. According to Kristin Hicks (2015), here are some ways to bring more creativity in the classroom:

1. Don’t limit assignments to one format

2. Set time aside for creativity

3. Use tech to broaden your idea of assignments

4. Introduce unconventional learning materials into class

5. Encourage discussion.

I think the most important lesson that I have learned in this module is that being a teacher is a continuous learning. It is important that as an educator we improve and evolve to be able to catch up with the fast changing generation. We need to adjust to be an effective teacher to all types of students.



Hicks, K. (2015, March 17). Why Creativity in the Classroom Matters More Than Ever. Retrieve from http://www.edudemic.com/creativity-in-the-classroom/

Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamkeepers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing Co.

The Education Alliance of Brown University. Retrieve from https://www.brown.edu/academics/education-alliance/teaching-diverse-learners/strategies-0/culturally-responsive-teaching-0#ladson-billings

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